About Me

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Allen Park, Michigan, United States
I am Anthony Powers, a professional animator. Seeking self expression, I carry my soul through space and time. Stumbling about, I come across some picnic baskets and lollipops. Taking a chance, I peek into their murky depths. Using passion as my vehicle the world opens its arms.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Squash Wars script 2


          SEQ. 01 - INT. CAVE - NIGHT

          An old, tired, and battle worn Squash is sitting silently by
          a fire in the back of a dark cave.

          His blood soaked sword sits beside him.

          The scar across his eye begins to sweat as he looks deeper
          and deeper into the blaze.

          Suddenly a noise breaks his stare. Standing up, he clamors
          for his sword.

          As he begins to carefully step towards the noise, an old
          pineapple stumbles out from the darkness.

                    *Hick* *Heh*... Why hello thah
                    stran-jah! What be bringan ya
                    round' here at this time o'naight?

          The Pineapple doesn't seem to notice or care about the sword
          being pointed in his direction.

          He continues to stumble about and drink from his flask while
          taking a seat on a rock.

          Looking up, he suddenly notices the gnarly and torn up
          appearance of Squash who has just gotten done fighting in a

                              PINEAPPLE (CONT'D)
                    Oh... my, we gots us a warrior on
                    our hands. Ah'just look at what the
                    worlds been doin' to yah.

          Squash relaxes and sits back down.

          He begins to dig through his nap sack, pulling out a
          notebook and pen.

          He begins writing.

                              PINEAPPLE (CONT'D)

                    And a poet too, heh hah! Mind if I
                    take a gander? I happen to be quite
                    the writah mahself.

          Thinking for a second, Squash hands the leatherbound, beaten
          up notebook to the old drunken Pineapple.

          He looks at it for a while, reads a bit here and there,
          flips through for a while, until suddenly he freezes.

          He holds his breath. His eyes begin to bulge out of his head
          and his chest shakes.

          Squash looks up curiously and their eyes meet.

          Pineapples tone changes, he suddenly looks very serious.

                              PINEAPPLE (CONT'D)
                    Whea did this map come from? If you
                    don't mind meh askin'.

          Squash looks up.

          He watches as Pineapple slowly points the familiar map in
          his direction.

          His mother's map.

          She had given it to him before the onset of the war, and it
          is one of the only things left of hers for him to hold on

                    Ah, my mother's map. She had
                    recieved it from her mother before
                    her. Does this map mean something
                    to you?

                    And your motha's name?


                    Goodness... yeah... Charlotte.

          It is apparent that the Pineapple somehow knows the mother
          of Squash, a strange shimmer begins to grow in Pineapples

                              PINEAPPLE (CONT'D)
                    My that was so long ago. Ah those
                    whea tha dayhs!

          Pineapple stands up and begins to pace, laughing and making
          noises, garnering gestures as if remembering moments from
          his youth.