About Me

My photo
Allen Park, Michigan, United States
I am Anthony Powers, a professional animator. Seeking self expression, I carry my soul through space and time. Stumbling about, I come across some picnic baskets and lollipops. Taking a chance, I peek into their murky depths. Using passion as my vehicle the world opens its arms.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Animations for WDIV

Here are a couple animations I have been working on at WDIV, there is no sound, other people will add that before it airs.

For a segment on the morning show called "It's So Hot Out"

For a segment featuring Brandon Roux called "Tasty Tuesday" I also directed him in the WDIV studio to act out the faces shown during the animation.

Another animation for "Tasty Tuesday", this one didn't get used because they thought it was too creepy.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

This Is What I Do In My Free Time

Just a picture I drew, I used the photoshop skills I'v been learning for the background, heh.

I drew the letters and arranged them in photoshop. Everybody was coming in with ideas for a new design for the Vote 4 The Best Detroit campaign and I didn't want to feel left out. Although I don't think this is quite what they were looking for!

A character I designed using the letters from the Vote 4 The Best slogan.

 A new twitter banner for the Flashpoint page. Devin wanted his updated picture and they didn't like my previous background because they couldn't tell what it was.

A background I created for a Tasty Tuesday animation I'm working on with Brandon Roux.